It is often said: "Attend the church of your choice". Why not come and attend the Church of Christ's choice.
We look forward to meeting you.
Services are every Sunday at 10:30 A.M.
Gospel Meeting
April 24th - 28
with Evangelist
Smith Bibens
Wed. - Fri. 7:00 p.m.
*Sat. 3:00 p.m.
Sun. 10:30 a.m.
*We will be gathering for a meal following worship on Saturday
Everyone is Welcome
Church of Christ
11560 Lippleman Rd.
Cincinnati OH 45246
Here is what you can expect during our worship:
We begin with congregational a-capella Singing (Eph.5.:19; Col.3:16)
Someone leads us in Prayer (ITim.2:1-5)
We have Teaching from the Bible (Mk.16:15-16; Acts 20:7)
Our members partake of the Communion (ICor.11:23-26)
Our members give in the Contribution (ICor.16:1-2)
Our Worship Services
Sunday Service
Everything in our worship has been prearranged and it is done decently and in order (ICor.14:40). We always strive to do only what the Word of God teaches, in the way that It teaches to do it (IPet.4:11) You will never be singled out or made to feel embarrassed in any way.
Bible Correspondence Course
If you would like more information, or if you would like to begin receiving a free Bible Correspondence Course, please write to us at:
Sharonville Church of Christ
P.O. Box 62113
Sharonville, OH 45262
Contact Us
11560 Lippelman Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45246, USA